Dove Is Anti-AI in New Campaign
Dove just released a new campaign where it vows against the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in its advertising. In line with its 20th anniversary, the beauty brand has launched "The Code," a two-minute short film that shows the detrimental effects AI can impose on one's self-image and perception of beauty.
Is Robotic Process Automation the End of Society As We Know It?
Back in the 1950’s, people predicted a lot of amazing inventions that would happen in the future. Flying cars, mailmen with jetpacks, glass-domed houses, the “Jetscalator” and of course, robots. Ever wonder what our world would be like if robots really took over?
A.I. and the End of the Copywriter?
One of the biggest A.I. stories of 2022 happened on November 30th. The launch of ChatGPT. Developed by Open AI, ChatGPT is designed to learn from and then generate human-like text. It’s an offshoot from creating chat technology for customer service needs. And it’s prepared to write just about anything you want. However, after spending some quality time with ChatGPT, I’m not so worried for all us writers out there.