Advertisers Rate Video - Including All Forms Of TV - Most Effective in Achieving Goals
Video beats other media hands-down when it comes to achieving advertising goals – and within video, TV in all forms has gained status in comparison to digital video.
The revolution is (almost) here: a fully 1:1 TV ad-buying ecosystem
In the very near future, every single video ad impression will be addressable-enabled.
Nielsen’s Advanced TV Push Continues With Addressable Platform Beta Test
Less than a year after creating a video advertising group dedicated to expanding available addressable TV inventory, Nielsen is taking another step toward an addressable future.
5 Steps to a Successful Addressable TV Campaign
Addressable Television comes up in just about every client conversation these days. Many clients have implemented, some are exploring and others are still unclear on exactly what it is.
Nielsen Prepping Platform For Addressable TV, Ad Decisioning
Having bulked up on assets in the smart-TV space, Nielsen is targeting next year for the launch of a platform that will help scale addressable television advertising. Key to the effort will be executing ad replacement and decisioning.
TV Networks Form New Consortium to Advance Targeted Advertising
Rivals team up on a system for addressable ads on smart TV. People who have smart TVs will be targeted ads based on what they are interested in. How is this different? People watching the same program will be able to serve two different types of ads for the same brand simultaneously. Pretty cool, right? Read this article for more info!
As Targeting Comes To TV, Digital’s Mistakes Loom Large
Targeting on TV with the same precision as digital is becoming a reality. OTT platforms enables pinpoint accuracy of any audience. The misconception that TV is dead is just that , a misconception. That being said there are things that work for TV that don’t neccessarity work when targeting on digital platforms. Read for more info!
Think your target is too niche for TV? Think Again.
There is a misconception in TV advertising saying that TV is only good for reaching a massive audience. However, TV has evolved and now TV can target very narrow audiences. Why and how is this possible? a lot has to do with fragmentation of stations and cable networks. Another reason is because of big data and advance analytics. Check out this blog by Eicoff’s CEO and maybe we can change your mind!
How an Acronym You’ve Probably Never Heard of Will Change TV Advertising Forever
For years, brands have salivated over the prospect of fusing the best aspects of digital marketing with the tried-and-true canvas of linear television.