D2C – Direct To Consumer Marketing – is all the rage. And rightly so. It’s an efficient and effective way to drive sales. But for all the hoopla about D2C – or DTC, if you prefer – selling directly to consumers is what Eicoff has been doing since it opened the door 1959. It’s what has built the agency into the nation’s leading DRTV advertising agency. In other words, we know a thing or 2 about D2C. If you’re a digital-only brand looking to scale your business, TV is really your best option. And you don’t have to sacrifice your ROI strategy to do it. It’s possible to combine the power of television with the precision of digital. It’s the way DRTV is done in the digital age. A strong direct to consumer advertising program relies on three components. You need to do them all well to achieve success.

 1.       Data-Informed Messaging

2.       Multi-Touch Attribution

3.       Digital-Grade Optimization

Without a message that’s designed to inform, educate and lead to a sale, optimization and analytics are meaningless. This isn’t just a question of yelling and selling, there’s a proven method of composing an effective message – check out our StorySelling approach for a more detailed explanation. Use learnings you’ve gathered from digital campaigns to inform your creative. Which messages received the most clicks? Which didn’t? And so on.

The key to D2C marketing is analyzing results all the way through to the sale. Depending on the nature of the consumer journey, it could be a lengthy process and require multiple touch points. Make sure your TV partner has the experience and resources to utilize multi-touch attribution to measure and optimize the full D2C effort. The way consumers respond online is not the same as the way they respond to TV. Think about the bigger purchase funnel and know that last touch attribution will not provide the clearest picture for an integrated TV/Digital program.

Marketers coming from a digital-only environment have high expectations regarding optimization. And usually don’t expect TV can provide the same immediacy. While that was the case, DRTV has benefitted from the precision and speed of digital analytics, and delivers optimization previously unattainable. Daily optimization is the standard. Direct to consumer advertising is not something you can set and forget. Tracking the results every morning, interpreting the data every day, making informed tweaks to improve response. It’s not for the faint of heart. But it’s the only way to do it right.

If you are interested in taking your D2C brand to the next level, contact us.

Putting brands to work with Storyselling.

Check out our work here.

Optimization is at the heart of our media operation. Fueled by data and inspired by over 50 years of experience. What’s the latest? Read here.

Beyond the numbers. Our EiQ platform synthesizes data into insights that inform media and creative strategies. Read here.