Performance advertising needs to go beyond entertainment. It needs to educate, motivate and sell. Storyselling is our structure and method for generating response. Here’s how it works.
Engagement. Any good story should quickly engage its audience. Drawing them in and enticing them to want to hear more. With Storyselling, our aim is exactly this. However, instead of simply entertaining the audience, we look to engage through self-identification. Getting viewers to perk up and say, “This ad is for me.” We aren’t concerned with entertaining everyone, but rather connecting with those who will relate to and benefit from your product or service. That’s the start.
Content. With a brand ad, the content is often the story itself. Storyselling is more focused on making your product the story – serving up impactful benefits, features and reasons to believe. Emotion will play a role, as it should. But for someone to take action, a certain level of understanding has to happen. Our content keeps the audience interested by appealing to their wants and needs. It’s about delivering right information, the right way, to help move consumers from thinking to acting.
Structure. Just because we're working with information rather than entertainment, doesn’t mean structure isn’t important. How you move your audience through the message, how you deliver the brand proposition, how you support the proposition with benefits and tangible facts in a logical fashion, it all matters. The right flow and structure will make sure the message resonates with your audience instead of flying by them.
While there is no formula to performance advertising success, there are many ways to put yourself in the best position for it. To learn more about our creative approach, let’s connect and talk about it.